about us

Our emigration and all travels we made should lead us to the answer for still bothering us, not easy at all, question: “where to live?”. This question appered from our years-long discussion with other travellers and emigrants, so our brains started to work in this way to find the answer.

gdziemieszkac? :)

Thanks to our passion to travelling (freedom of move) we still discover and observe the world. Since few years we prefer to rent cars in the countries we visit, so we can leave common touristic paths and go there, where are only natives. We made thousands of kilometers behind the wheel ia. in Argentina, Thailand, Spain and Germany. Before every journey we are searching the internet looking for local “gems” – results of these searches, already on place, are very often amazing!

  • Hitch-hikers, seasoned on the way, that’s why some stories can hurt luxurious tourists :) Our experience since 2007 are most countries of Europe (except: Balkans, Ireland, Finnland, Monaco, Andorra, Iceland, Romania, Belarus, Denmark, Malta, Moldova, San Marino, Hungary), Morocco, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Cuba
  • Engeneers, who always try to improve the website (everything on the website is hand-made!). If you have question in our topics: big data, web and civil engineering – contact us.

Moreover: minimalists, libertans, damned sparing, polish-correct (Robert), definite, maximal creative, always on the way, mobile, stability is for us destructive. We don’t want to dim, jest read!

We love to leave so-called confort zone, so get out of the home and discover! Well!

Best regards from abroad

Kasia & Robert
